Thanks to Michael for responding to my query. I will provide fuller details
of my grievances in due course, but in the meantime feel obliged to deal
with some of the other comments. I have no wish to cause offence here but
it is possible that offence will be taken - if that is the case my
apologies in advance, but I do not want to start a slanging match.
I asked anyone with international shipping from HA to get in touch with me,
and so far only Michael has. He has what he perceives to be a genuine
grievance, yet others with apparently no direct experience of the issue in
hand seem very willing to accuse him of bellyaching unjustly about shipping
costs, which might prevent others with similar problems from contributing.
I have noted during my relatively short time as a MOPO member that there is
a tendency to revere Heritage in general and Grey Smith in particular. The
latter certainly seems to have friends and allies on the site. I do not
know Mr Smith apart from exchanging some emails, but he is the director of
a very influential and successful auction house, so deserves some respect.
That does not, however, exempt Heritage from criticism, and I think
international shipping is one area where there is, to say the least, some
confusion. As I said, more on that later, but in the meantime all I ask is
that the matter is allowed to be aired fairly and without prejudice.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Michael Greenwood <>

>  Just to be clear, my cheapness is just's not a condition that
> results in me thinking that everyone should honour the International
> shipping charges of six years ago or something.  I know that shipping is
> expensive and I buy with it in mind.  Almost all my records are now ordered
> through a shop in Toronto and I drive down once a month and grab them.  Gas
> costs $ too, but not as much as shipping.  Plus I see friends and have a
> nice meal!  Ones I cannot source through them must be shipped and I deal
> with it or I don't get the album.  However, I do try to make the shipping
> count and try to get as many records as I can (under a certain weight) if I
> am shipping.  It takes work, this saving money!
> I'm only chiming in on my experiences...the original post wasn't explicit
> in what they were looking for as far as experience with Heritage but I
> thought I'd throw this out.
> M
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Todd <
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 8, 2015 5:50 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] HA shipping costs
>  Michael, et al:
> I don't like to be ripped off for shipping either and when selling on
> ebay, I ONLY charge the ACTUAL SHIPPING CHARGE and don't charge for
> materials or handling.
> And for shipping outside the U.S., I'm happy to remove the Global Shipping
> Program option or sell directly.
> Todd
>  ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 16:32:18 -0500
> From:
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] HA shipping costs
> Michael, et al:
>  I think that people in general still think that shipping is cheap; it
> isn’t.
>  Kirby
>   On Jul 8, 2015, at 4:24 PM, Michael Greenwood <>
> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm writing because I've recently had an issue and it's something that's
> happened before so I thought I'd air it out and this shouldn't be read as
> Heritage bashing or anything too mean.
> I'm in Canada and the last five years has seen a tremendous jump in
> International shipping and especially from the US.  I also collect records
> so I was very used to being able to estimate shipping for most standard
> orders of both forms of posters (rolled/flat) and records until the $
> starting getting nuts.
> My first problem came when I found out that Heritage would no longer hold
> items beyond a maximum of three invoices.  This was never how it had been
> for all the time I was buying there and had become used to and there was no
> warning of this and, at the time, I had amassed a good collection of stuff
> I wanted to ship as I always one bulk go.  It saves me a lot of
> money that I can continue to spend on paper rather than stamps.  I started
> getting a bunch of shipping invoices as my stuff was filing out of Dallas
> three invoices at a time.  It was going to cost me around $500 to ship all
> my paper so I freaked out and called them to stop.  I had bought many
> posters that were cheap simply due to the fact that I knew (or thought I
> did) that they would be shipped along with the cream of the crop at little
> extra charge but now that the rules had changed, I'd have to rethink those
> buys and I was considering re-consigning them rather than ship them as it
> was way too expensive to consider.  Thankfully Grey got involved and helped
> iron some stuff out and gave me a bit of an extra break in invoice shipping
> when I explained my predicament...I don't hold him responsible, naturally.
> It seems that what worked fine before no longer does and all I can guess is
> that more shipments out means more handling/material fees...more money for
> Heritage.  Unless there is a reasonable explanation for the change I
> haven't been made aware of.
> But my most recent issues have come from me alerting Heritage that I want
> my items shipped and them sending them in two different shipments.  I
> understand that rolled are rolled and flat are flat but the old Heritage
> understood how to put tubes in boxes and ship in one piece with ease.  This
> is important in Canada as excise taxes are a reality as are brokerage fees
> and two packages incur two charges at the USPS end as well...costs that can
> be drastically cut by combining the items.  Then extra customs processing
> equals extra fees and, again, I am spending more of my money on less
> posters.  And I ask that they be shipped in one package and I am not
> consulted when they just ship it in two rather than contact me and work out
> how to do it, as I'd wish.
> On top of all that complaining (I am super cheap when it comes to costs
> OUTSIDE of the paper I want) I do want to point out that Heritage is by far
> the most expensive of the four main auctions that I regularly follow.  They
> charge both handling fees and fees for materials and they are not cheap.  I
> complain and I always hope that a sympathetic Heritage employee will just
> up and confess that they are what I assume they are...a greedy corporation
> trying to roughly yank every cent from my wallet in any and every way that
> they can...but nobody answering my emails has offered that as an
> explanation so they just kinda quote figures and such and remain kinda
> vague as to why my directions are ignored and I have to pay for it.
> Rich, Bruce and Peter all hold items for me for reasonable times and/or
> amounts.  I am eternally grateful for this (and for Heritage's efforts in
> this too!) as it makes a really big difference now that International
> shipping is almost ridiculous.  Bruce charges very little for materials and
> no handling that I know of.  I don't detect any excessive charges from Rich
> either and Peter is just completely remarkable...give lots of business too
> all these people and maybe if enough people complain, we can bring these
> other, more serious capitalists around to helping the guys who help them
> exist to keep supporting them.
> Thanks,
> M
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tommy Barr <
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 8, 2015 12:55 PM
> *Subject:* [MOPO] HA shipping costs
>  Hi fellow Mopoers,
>  Some of you must buy from Heritage Auctions but not live in USA, and I
> would be interested in hearing from you regarding the amount they charge
> for shipping to your destination.
>  Tommy Barr
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