There are several good choices.  Here is one I recommend:

Mario Lumiere does great work.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 8:18 AM Toochis r <> wrote:

> Can I get some reco’s for restoration?  I used Jamie before I ever heard
> about the forgeries. He was great and did a beautiful job.
> But...I can’t risk feeling like crap because I paid someone who knowingly
> ripped people off. For most of us, these posters aren’t only things that
> people buy then discard when it doesn’t bring one joy. Like great art,
> movie paper is history, a connection to something deep - when you saw a
> movie and it meant something to you and you had the hope that feeling was
> shared with others in that movie theatre. It’s community.
> It’s the same reason why I stopped watching Woody Allen pics. I couldn’t
> support the creep.
> Toochis
> PS - any articles on this crime so I can know what  NOT to buy so I can
> avoid the forgery? If it’s Universal monsters, no worry, it’s out of my
> league but if dealers are selling his restoration I’d rally like to know so
> I may avoid buying it. Thanks.
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 5:21 PM Jeff Potokar <> wrote:
>> Exactly, Jim.
>> How easy for those to say its not a big deal, when they aren’t the ones
>> who got the short end of the stick.
>> Mendez was integral to that who SCAM operation. Haggard was the
>> mastermind, but he wasn’t the artist. Without Mendez, NONE of the forgeries
>> would ever have been born. And THAT is also a fact, not my opinion or
>> thought on the matter.
>> Mendez created fakes and forgeries, using his artistic skill to aid and
>> help Haggard swindle people. And his claim that “I didn’t know” is a load
>> of crap. Unless he’s as dumb as a box of rocks, that is.
>> That anyone supports this kind of individual is beyond me. And as you
>> said, Jim, who’s to know if he might decide to swap out a client’s WOLF MAN
>> or INVISIBLE MAN piece, for a newly created fake? But in a way, those that
>> use him  deserve anything like this, should it ever happen. (And yes, that
>> is my thought on this part of the equation).
>> You lost a lot, Jim. And that is a tragedy.
>> But those that haven’t suffered at Mendez’s hands are here to sing his
>> praises. And that is pretty pathetic.
>> On Apr 17, 2019, at 11:37 AM, James Gresham <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Jeff is absolutely correct.  Scott, you are indifferent because you
>> didn't lose anything with Jaime.  Had you lost money, like at least 35
>> people did, I would bet you would feel differently.  The next time Jaime is
>> in financial trouble, who is to say he doesn't switch out your poster?
>> Jaime made literally hundreds of fakes.  Many are still in the market place
>> today.  Without him, there would have been no Haggard crimes.  Scott why
>> did Jaime make at least 6 Wolf man title cards?  He absolutely knew people
>> were being taken.  He did everything with cash and accounted for nothing,
>> so he couldn't be traced.  Does a man hire a sex offender to teach his
>> daughter math?  Of course not, no one would bring a sex offender into their
>> home.  So why open the door to a thief?  Just because he didn't steal from
>> you, doesn't change the fact that he is a thief.  Using him only keeps him
>> prospering in our hobby.  I have absolutely no respect for anyone who uses
>> Jaime, including people I like a lot.  There is right and wrong in our
>> world.  Stop supporting wrong, just because it wasn't done to you.  Jim
>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 2:19 PM Scott Clark <>
>> wrote:
>>> I am sorry you disagree Jeff. No one disputes he created the artwork
>>> that later became forgeries. I’ve always agreed with Bruce’s view that
>>> Jaime only crossed a line when he did further restoration work on one of
>>> the pieces that found its way back to him.
>>> To put this into perspective, a kid in my 15 year old son’s class
>>> recreated the Mona Lisa in stunning fashion. It was incredible. He won an
>>> art award for his achievements, and made the local papers. However, it
>>> would only be considered a forgery if someone knowingly sold it under the
>>> pretence of it being the original, as Haggard did with Jaime’s artwork.
>>> Now Haggard, I hope that guy rots in hell!
>>> If you really want to take a stance though you should boycott eBay,
>>> Amazon and/or all of the major auction houses, because they’ve all sold -
>>> and continue to sell - his restored paper. :->
>>> Get Outlook for iOS <>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Jeff
>>> Potokar <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:00 pm
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Thank you Jaime - In a Lonely Place 6sh
>>> Yes he’s good. No doubt about that.
>>> But the facts speak for themselves.
>>> Its has nothing to do what I think about him.
>>> He helped perpetuate a MAJOR fraud in this hobby. Again. those are the
>>> FACTS. They are Not my thoughts on him or the issue at hand.
>>> And to those that were ripped off or taken for THOUSANDS of
>>> dollars. Who cares what category one wants to play him in, or not. He still
>>> was part of the Haggard scam that took $$ from many fine people.
>>> .
>>> On Apr 17, 2019, at 10:53 AM, Scott Clark <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Ha! Somehow I don’t put Jaime in the same category as Bernie who
>>> defrauded people out of roughly $65 billion. He made a mistake and he
>>> continues to pay the price for it. At the same time,  I think you’d be
>>> surprised out how many collectors continue to use Jaime in silence. As for
>>> me, I could truly care less about what you or any of the others think about
>>> him. He’s very good! :>)
>>> Get Outlook for iOS <>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
>>> <>> on behalf of Glenn Taranto <
>>> <>>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 17, 2019 6:38 pm
>>> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Thank you Jaime - In a Lonely Place 6sh
>>> Isn't that kind of like asking Bernie Madoff to be your financial
>>> advisor, transgressions aside?
>>> :>)
>>> GT
>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 10:35 AM Scott Clark <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Wow Doug, the poster and restoration look amazing. Thanks for sharing
>>>> the before-and-after images. Jaime did a great job of recreating the
>>>> missing section.  A true artist! Alleged transgressions aside, he is one of
>>>> the best in the restoration business in my opinion, and I will continue to
>>>> use him.
>>>> Get Outlook for iOS <>
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Douglas
>>>> B Taylor <>
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, April 15, 2019 10:02 pm
>>>> *Subject:* [MOPO] Thank you Jaime - In a Lonely Place 6sh
>>>> Just wanted to publicly thank Jaime Mendez for his great restoration on
>>>> what might be the only In a Lonely Place 6sh around.
>>>> He took it from this…
>>>> To this…
>>>> Great work, and thanks again.
>>>> Doug
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>> --
>> James Gresham
>> Gresham's Seasonal Services, Inc.
>> <>
>> CEO // 18501 Henry Ct. Ray, MI 48096
>> <,+MI+48096&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> O: 586-677-7669 (SNOW) // F: 586-677-5669
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James Gresham

Gresham's Seasonal Services, Inc. <>
CEO // 18501 Henry Ct. Ray, MI 48096
O: 586-677-7669 (SNOW) // F: 586-677-5669

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