dmb said to Steve:
... please explain how it is possible to have moral responsibility without some 
kind of human agency? Go ahead. Explain how that would work. I'd really like to 
see you try to make that case. Maybe you will finally realize what I'm saying 
in the attempt to actually articulate moral responsibility without any kind of 
freedom to act. If that agency isn't necessary, then one plausible example is 
all you need. ... If we are not free to choose our actions, how can we be held 
responsible for those actions?

Steve replied:
...You respond by throwing the question back to me again so you can play the 
game of claiming victory simply by sitting back in your chair with your arms 
folded and remaining unconvinced by my argument and being "disturbed" that I am 
unmoved by the bald logic of insisting on this common sense link.  ...I'll 
oblige you in explaining once again, but I also suspect that this being 
disturbed and then sitting back with your arms folded pose is all just a 
distraction to avoid having to answer the argument... 

dmb says:
I can see how it might seem like some kind of trick or game or a distraction 
but I swear to God it's not. I've been trying to get you to respond to this 
criticism for a long time now but it really seems that you don't understand the 
problem. You say here that you will oblige me and explain once again, but I'm 
telling you that you haven't explained it even once. If you think you've given 
any answer to my question in the post I'm responding to, or anywhere else, then 
you do not understand the question. Believe me. I know what I'm asking and I'm 
telling you that the question has not been answered. And if you cannot answer 
that question, then you have been defeated on that point. It's not just you, 
Steve. I'm betting nobody can give a satisfactory answer because there isn't 
one. I certainly can't think of one plausible example.

If we are not free to choose our actions, how can we be held responsible for 
those actions? Put another way, how can there be moral responsibility without 
some kind of human agency? I'm not asking about SOM or the MOQ. I'm only asking 
about the simple logical connection between agency and morality, regardless of 
the metaphysical framework.

Like I said, if you actually attempt to answer this question, I believe you 
will discover the problem I'm talking about. If you try to find a way to assert 
moral culpability without any kind of human agency, I believe the logical 
problem I'm talking about will finally slap you in the face.

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