I think we should have a goal: To live fully after our principles. I also believe that 
the goals you set, should be something to strive against, and nothing you should 
expect to suceed in easily. In short; I think you are setting to high 

It the moment I'm not certain that MoQ are defining my goal, as I am more confused now 
on the deductions from MoQ than I was when I joined this list. I was used to having 
the goals defined by humanitarianism and utilitarianism, but lacked a foundation for 
these arguments. Some years ago, I thought I found this foundation when reading Lila, 
and I call tell you that I was pleased. Now, after being a member of this discussion 
group for a half year, I've learned that it is possible to be pro and con death 
penalty, it is possible to be humanitarian and non-humanitarian, it is possible to 
defend egoism and utilitarianism, etc. etc., all based on the MoQ. 

Bo Skutvik, in his excellent "The Quality event" states that: 
The only criteria for a(ny) theory’s “truth” are:
a) whether it is in accordance with experience.
b) is logical consistently. 
c) does not need extraordinary long explanations (Occam’s razor). 

I would also add that it needs to be useful, that you can use it in order to come to 
some conclusions. 

So; can we all based on our previously defined beliefs, use MoQ to get a theory that 
is logical consistent, and in accordance with our experience? As you are able to come 
up with arguments for death penalty, I guess someone with a brighter head than me also 
can come up with a explanation for why it is more moral to eat meat than vegetables. 
So it seems to me that MoQ is in accordance with Bo's criteria, but I cant see that it 
is useful. 

Are we all hypocrites, using the MoQ as a fortification for our beliefs? Is the MoQ 
usefull? I guess I have written this question a few times already, with not much of a 
reply. So I'm probably very off the general understanding. OK, I'm rather new to this, 
and the discussion has been heated, so I will not abandon the MoQ or this list. I will 
stay quite for a while, and read the postings of Marco, Andrea and others I can relate 
to and that have some of the same understanding as I do.

Friendly greetings,

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