Hi Horse and others, 

I'm probably accusing the MoQ for being "Emotivism in disguise", as Struan Hellier 
called it. That would explain all these Libertarians here, which surprised me at 

But this has off course been up for debate earlier, and I will read the e-mails from 
march 1998 and Lila's Child (thanks Dan for getting it back on the web). 

>From Bodvar's Quality Event: 
"It must be understood that Intellect cannot destroy Society as such. The danger is 
that never ending demands of freedom and rights may make the Western societies 
unmanageable, which in turn will raise demands for “strong men” and a return to more 
social orientated constitutions such as religious fundamentalism or fascism. At the 
present, warning signals are blaring and flashing, but overlooked. Freedom and rights 
are good so it is assumed that more must be better. All blame is on Society, it is 
unjust, law enforcement is bad and should be abolished, and when crime turns even 
worse, it is because the freedom measurements weren’t radical enough." 

This, to me, clearly states the same fear of Emotivism as I have. You could say that 
me and Bodvar, both being Norwegian, have the same emotional background for selecting 
right from wrong, but I believe and hope that Bodvar is clinging to the MoQ for better 
reasons than that. 

So why are all these violent gun-lovers and Libertarians that will drag the humans 
down to a biological level here. 

RMP in his letter to Bodvar states: 
I think the MOQ would classify emotions as mere biological responses to value, not 
value itself. 

YES! So these Libertarians ARE just confusing me, they are talking about emotions - 
quality at a biological level, and not value itself. I guess nobody is going to agree 
with me on this conclusion. 

Horse wrote:
>Most of the problems that arise in this respect are from superimposing the MoQ 
>over a set of already held beliefs. Once you let go of your old beliefs and start 
>from a Quality foundation and apply an evolutionary morality the majority of 
>problems dissolve.

You are probably right, but if I end up as a violent, gun-loving Libertarian, I rather 
stick to my old beliefs. 

It's close to 30? Celsius here in Norway today, which is very unusual. I'll print a 
copy of Lila's Child, Chapter 14, order Alasdair MacIntyre "After Virtue" from a 
bookstore - (claimed to give an good explanation for why Libertarians will undermine 
society and morals and hence take the world down to a biological level), and head for 
the beach. 


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