On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 01:23:56AM +0000, Bundy wrote:
> CaT authored the following:
> >On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 08:19:17AM +0000, Bundy wrote:
> >*36 lines snipped. learn to cut back on your quoting people! fark...*
> >
> >>
> >>IRC Client = bloatware and will never make it to a NS build. It's a 
> >
> >
> >a 103k xpi that you don't have to download if you don't want to.
> Ah, but people claim that is the Reason why Moz is so much larger than 
> Opera.

So? I can claim that George Bush is a baboons intellectual superior.
Doesn't mean that I'm right though now does it?

Will it make it right if say 250mil people claim it? No.

> >>Webpage Editor = bloatware - should be the users choice to download in 
> >
> >Now this one is a bit harder to quantify due to the fact that it's an
> >integral part of browser.xpi 
> Gee, an integral part of the software... Gee, where have we heard this 
> before (think MS and MS Explorer). Seems that Mozilla does what MS does 
> and makes sure they bundle their bloatware so you can't remove it.

Do you actually have any inkling of understanding of why it may be an
integral part of browser.xpi? I don't mean that you have to understand
the codebase in full but rather, do you have any sort of idea of how it
all fits together? A guess is as good as anything here. I'm just curious
as to wether or not you've actually thought about this or are just
mouthing off because the internet lets you do so easily.


> You know what I would like to see. All the Netscape Champions resign and 
> non-AOL employed Mozilla work to put out an a end user Mozilla product.

non-AOL employed Mozilla people can do just that I believe, and without
anyone resigning or being crapped upon in public forums. (unless there's
a clause in the licensing that I missed).

Why aren't you doing it though?

> What do these people owe AOL/Time Warner anyhow? Allow NS to slip to 
> just a few percent of the browser market?

AOL is irrelevant. The codebase is out on the net and under license. If
AOL choose to stop their support for mozilla (ie actually paying people
an income to work on something that they cannot sell as such) the project
can still live on when people such as yourselves, with these great and
fantastic ideas about bloat, can make it go on a diet or something.

So when are you either a. going to start producing patches to mozilla
that slim it down or b. going to organise a group of people to start
producing patches to mozilla that slim it down?

> I'm sorry but since Netscape is owned by mega-giant, AOl, they are not 
> an underdog at all.

Who the fsck cares?

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