On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 03:22:41PM +0800, Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> That's true, and no one's denying that there is a lot of common
> functionality. That's why I understand why they decided to
> merge them then.

Then argue that point. Why not ask why the composer only bits are not
seperated out into their own xpi then?

Bloat and missed modularity are two different issues.

> If the composer elements are small, then why did you use it
> as an argument to Bundy as to why browser.xpi is so large?
> Its either the composer elements are large (therefore should
> be separated) or small (which proves Bundy's point that
> navigator is bloatware.)

So it wouldn't be bloatware if both the browser and composer elements
were large rather then a large browser element and a small composer
element (which, according to the above paragraph, is bloat)?

> Unlike Bundy, I am not complaining about the size of Moz.
> I just agree that components should be on separate modules.
> This is good programming practice, isn't it?

Yup. So the big question really is, why not take the browser.xpi and
split it up if it can be? If it can't be split up, how come? (general
question to one and all rather then one directly at you :)

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friends that I thought would have no importance until this morning when
I got up and saw all  the commotion in the news,"  Gallardo told a news
conference. "It stunned me."
Reyes told Marca that he had "felt a slight pinch."
      -- http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/1129soccer29-ON.html

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