>I think you're chasing down a red herring: as Mozilla all ready 
>renders webpages, it's a very small step to the composer. 

Exactly. Afaik, modular programming was invented precisely
to allow programs to share code. The fact that navigator already
renders webpages is not an argument against modularity, it is
an argument for it.

> I'm 
>willing to bet that removing the composer elements would 
>decrease Mozilla's footprint infinitesimally at best.
This comment is in sharp contrast to Pascal's comment to
Bundy, which says, and I quote:

> Kyle, you are really pathetic. Although Opera 6 is a fine browser, it 
> cannot be compare size-wise with mozilla until it includes a mail&news 
> module, an IRC client, a javascript profiler and a webpage editor.

Which one of you is correct? If chatzilla, venkman and composer
are all infinitesimal, then navigator is indeed oversized.

If they are not infinitesimal, then mozilla is not modular enough.

Btw, I am inclined to believe that if composer were in a separate
module, then it would would be larger than the chatzilla and
venkman modules.

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