That's true, and no one's denying that there is a lot of common
functionality. That's why I understand why they decided to
merge them then.

 > That's a large chunk of the needed code for composer.

However, modularity does not mean duplication of code. It means
separation of code.

All the code that is needed by both navigator and composer
should be in the browser module. Those needed only by
composer can be in a separate module that makes function
calls to the browser module when needed.

The fact that there is common code does not diminish the
need for modularity, it enforces it.

 > I don't think that is very big

If the composer elements are small, then why did you use it
as an argument to Bundy as to why browser.xpi is so large?

Its either the composer elements are large (therefore should
be separated) or small (which proves Bundy's point that
navigator is bloatware.)




Unlike Bundy, I am not complaining about the size of Moz.
I just agree that components should be on separate modules.
This is good programming practice, isn't it?

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