| Like many people on this list (I imagine) I have a fairly substantial
| collection
| of good quality (-v --preset studio) MP3s encoded with lame. I'd love to
| able to be able to make them smaller to squash more musiconto my portable
| MP3 player.
| Is it possible to have lame digitally resample an mp3 on a frame-by-frame
| basis? Although granted, the quality wouldn't be as good as a 'slow'
| encoding,
| I'd imagine this could be extremely fast!

no way here :-(

It should be maybe possible in wavelet transform, but not in discrete
cosinus. You should wait for wavelet encoder and decoder...

Or you should use ;-))

lame --decode x.mp3 - | mp3enc31 -sti -of x.small.mp3 -esr 22050 -qual 9
-bw 11025 -br 64000

(ech... commercialcrippleware, 30 sec limit - but you can cut wav and glue
mp3s :-)) (with very small tick each 30s)... BTW, Im not try this "cutting"
under linux, should kill -HUP pid after each (say) 28sec help?

        will sounds much better than

lame -h -m j -b 64 --voice --noshort --resample 22.05 --lowpass 11.025
--lowpass-width 0 --mp3input x.mp3 x.small.mp3

Note that --voice options sounds better with bitrates <= 64k. You can test
options like --cwlimit (default is cca 8, yoiu can test it from 0 to


             Jaroslav Lukesh, K-net
      Multimedia, Networking, Communications
              Windows terminals, NC
         computer hardware and software
             note: (Bill) Gates to Hell!

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