In the last episode (Aug 22), Jaroslav Lukesh said:
> It should be maybe possible in wavelet transform, but not in discrete
> cosinus. You should wait for wavelet encoder and decoder...
> Or you should use ;-))
> lame --decode x.mp3 - | mp3enc31 -sti -of x.small.mp3 -esr 22050 -qual 9 -bw 11025 
>-br 64000

I used to do that, but have found that lame doesn't do too badly on low
bitrates nowadays:

lame -a --abr 22 --lowpass 5.7 --resample 22.050 -S --mp3input input.mp3 output.mp3

sounds very good.  The most important value for me is the lowpass
frequency; set it so the "twinkling" artifacts aren't too annyoing.

        Dan Nelson
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