On 06/03/17 18:09, David W. Schultz wrote:
> On 03/06/2017 10:25 AM, Bob von Knobloch wrote:
>> Now I have to find out where the vectors have gone - they are missing
>> from the .hex file. Maybe a different name from the old mspgcc?
> TI moved a lot of things into the linker scripts a while back. Each
> vector now gets its own section and as near as I can tell, these will
> not appear in the output unless you have an actual ISR defined.
> I have three interrupt service routines in the program I am using as an
> example and the hex file includes this:
> :02FFE6001259AE
> :02FFEA00A883EA
> :02FFF400EE55C8
> :02FFFE006A5245
> I count three interrupt vectors plus reset.

Hi David,
How have you extracted these from the .elf file?
I have no vectors, not even reset (and there are 2 ISRs defined):

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