Hello David,

I found the circumstances in which 'ln -s' does not work properly.

This is when the current directory has non ASCII letters in its path. I suspect that you have some MSDOS batch under the hood (... ?).

Anyway, my problem was not this non ASCII issue, I just came accross this while trying to demonstrate another issue. With the current directory w/o any non ASCII, if I run this script:

mkdir foo
cd foo
echo "Hello world!" > bar
mkdir hello
echo "Hello again!" > hello/bar2

mkdir gnats
cd gnats
ln -s ../* .

Then I get the following error :

ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique './gnats' → '../gnats': File name too long

So there are actually two issues with MSYS2 pseudo-symlinks :

- non ASCII letters (I don't care)

- this does not work : cd gnats; ln -s ../* .


Le 09/08/2017 à 14:59, Vincent Belaïche a écrit :
Hello David,

Le 09/08/2017 à 10:35, David Macek a écrit :
On 9. 8. 2017 0:15, Vincent Belaïche wrote:

I am coming back to bug https://sourceforge.net/p/msys2/tickets/41/.

In the discussion of this problem it was said that

- msys2 does not used symlinks by default, because MSW applications do
   not understand the symlinks
- when msys2 is configured to use symlinks, these are ``cygwin
   symlinks'' and you need to operate with administrator rights.

You're misquoting the discussion.  It should be:

MSYS2 doesn't create Cygwin-y symlinks (except special circumstances), although it does understand them. It copies the target instead, because "MSW" programs don't understand Cygwin-y symlinks. It can be configured to create native NTFS symlinks, but that has other limitations<https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/wiki/Symbolic-Links>.

Sorry for misquoting. I must admit that I don't know the difference between a cygwin-y symlink and a NTFS native symlinks. And I just presume that MS implementation of symlinks is a superset of NTFS native symlinks.

The URL that you give is interesting in this that it explains that MS symlinks can be created by non-administrators provided that they are given some corresponding priviledge.

Anyway, the project which I am interested in is using SVN, not GIT, and to my knowledge SVN MSW clients can't be configured to follow symlinks at the moment (sigh) whatever the user priviledges. Since there are only a few of them, it is easy to have a work around by having the makefile create the ``pseudo-symlink'' by ``ln -s'' when applicable. I say pseudo-symlinks because there are'nt real symlinks, just copies, and this does not really matter to me because this is not a big about of data and makefile can keep pseudo-symlink synchronized with its target.

What is more of a nuisance is the following ``ln -s'' does make the pseudo-symlinks correctly for me in some circumstances. If I run the following script:

mkdir foo
cd foo
echo "Hello world!" > bar
mkdir hello
echo "Hello again!" > hello/bar2

mkdir gnats
cd gnats
ln -s ../* .

I should have a pseudo-symlinks bar, and hello in foo/gnats that are a copies of file foo/bar and directort foo/hello. However, it does not work, I get the following:

ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique './bar': No such file or directory ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique './gnats': No such file or directory ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique './hello': No such file or directory

if now I try to make it a little smarter by making the pseudo-symlinks one by one, ie I replace 'ln -s ../* .' by :

for w in $(ls .. | awk '!/^gnats$/{print}'); do
    ln -s ../$w $w;

I get the following:

ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique 'bar': No such file or directory ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique 'hello': No such file or directory

I seems that something go broken in my ln.exe. Is there anyway to have pacman repair it ?


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