On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 12:36:34PM -0500, Thom Paine wrote:
> I finally got my computer supplier to order me a PVR-350 card for my
> upcoming myth box.
> I also thought about getting a FX-5200 with TV-Out to hook to my
> television.
> An I better or worse off using the tv-out on the pvr-350 or should I use
> the FX-5200.

For SDTV-only playback of MythTV recordings (no non-MPEG-2 video, no DVD,
etc.), the PVR-350's video output is far superior to the TV-out on a video
card.  I always ran into problems with the FX5200 not aligning the fields
properly, so interlaced video (which is nearly all SD video) looked nasty.

For any kind of HDTV display, of course, the PVR-350 output won't do you any
good.  Since the framebuffer on the PVR-350 is also fairly slow, playback of
DVDs, MPEG-4 video, etc. works better on a normal video card as well.

(Yes, I know that the video on DVDs is MPEG-2, but I don't know of any DVD
player software that will take advantage of the PVR-350's MPEG decoder.  It
should be possible...way back in the day, I used a Dxr2 hardware MPEG
decoder to play DVDs on a 200-MHz K6.)

 / v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
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