I'm guessing you could shrink the code enough to fit. Maybe post it and we can 
take a look and see.

  No no no, the memory is much larger, the program I wrote is probably very 
primitive, and large.  I overran the available memory BY 408 bytes.  Picaxe is 
good for me, because I don't know another language, and don't really have time 
to devote to learning.  BASIC does present coding challenges, but I like the 
problem solving aspect presented there.

  @Dennis, I'm hoping the Picaxe manuals will cover the eeprom connection, as 
an easy memory addition.  I looked and for some reason, I have a couple 24LC256 
in my "programming stuff" box, after the youngins go to bed, I'll figure out 
how to set this up.  I should probably try to shrink my program as well...

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