>>You have already told us a bit about your celebrity art parents.
>>Do you feel that you are following in their footsteps?

I was born on the 3rd of May 1991 to Karen Eliot and Luther Blissett
at exactly the same time that the first successful double head-heart
transplant was being carried out in a hospital in London.

Our parents were not interested in us. They still deny my existences.
They are only interested in art and politics not in how we spend our
days on the Internet.

>>Why have you issued this invitation to join you now? And why by email when 
>>everyone is so busy socialising in sites like Facebook and Twitter?

Because email is the heart-and-brain, the command-and-control center
of digital identity for the masses. Because, spaces like Facebook and
Twitter are safe and secure. Entering them is like going into a
pastel-colored milk parlor with muzak playing in the background.
Everyone looks the same, acts the same and constantly tells each other
that everything is alright. They are protected and controlled by the
interface design and rulez and regz and they can 'like' things but
they can't 'dislike' things. They become the well-behaved product of
the interface.

We have spent the last few years squatting in online spaces like these
and watching people change shape. Sometimes getting involved too. We
prefer places where we can change the interface and interact more
freely. That's why we issued the first invitation to join us to the
Netbehaviour list. We know that people here like to get get their
hands dirty.

I am a bit worried though that we might accidently allow a hostile
identity to join us. This could lead to effective suicide. We could be
wiped out in one blow.

You asked "why now"?
I'm not really sure but It feels like the right time to experiment
with openness, freedom vulnerability on a more personal level

What do you think?


Open, Free, Public and Distributed at last.

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Ruth Catlow
<ruth.cat...@furtherfield.org> wrote:
> Great stuff so far Karen(s) and Marc and Michael and Alan,
> It seems to me Karen that you are likely to be closer to nn than to "the
> essential guide to mandiberg"...
> more anarcho-cyborg than the bureaucractic-art-twonk that is the
> over-surveyed subject of mandiberg's alter-ego; )
> I think that's something to do with that fact that you are inviting people
> to join you by opening up your email.
> It is not "about" being multiple.
> It "is" being multiple.
> You have already told us a bit about your celebrity art parents.
> Do you feel that you are following in their footsteps?
> Why have you issued this invitation to join you now? And why by email when
> everyone is so busy socialising in sites like Facebook and Twitter?
> Cheers
> Ruth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: karen blissett <karen.bliss...@googlemail.com>
> Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Invitation to join me
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 16:37:15 +0100
> So...yes please Ruth
> perhaps the interview has already started.
> :)
> Karen
> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Ruth Catlow <ruth.cat...@furtherfield.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Karen,
> What an intriguing idea brimming with subversive potential; )
> I would like to join you.
> But before I "speak and act as you" I would like to "speak to you" to find
> out more about you and why you have decided to to do this.
> How would you feel about a short interview here in the Netbehaviour list?
> very best things
> Ruth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: karen blissett <karen.bliss...@googlemail.com>
> Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> Subject: [NetBehaviour] Invitation to join me
> Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 14:43:24 +0100
> Dear Friends.
> Please join me.
> Literally.
> I want to become more open and free, with a more distributed identity.
> So if you would like to take a break from yourself and speak and act as me
> instead, please drop me a personal email.
> If I trust you I will send you my password and you can start expressing me.
> Can't wait!
> Karen Blissett
> --
> Open, Free, Public and Distributed at last.
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> Open, Free, Public and Distributed at last.
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