> On 29 Jul 2015, at 13:47, Juergen Schoenwaelder 
> <j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:57:09PM +0200, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:
>>> On 29 Jul 2015, at 12:25, Juergen Schoenwaelder 
>>> <j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 09:34:17AM +0200, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com> wrote:
>>>>> I do not agree that YANG extensions should be used for IETF standards 
>>>>> track
>>>>> modules.
>>>> I strongly disagree.  This was one of the two original ideas behind
>>>> extension statements (the other was that vendors could add their own
>>>> stuff).
>>> An extension defines certain semantics. For example:
>>> extension default-deny-write {
>>>   description
>>>         "Used to indicate that the data model node
>>>          represents a sensitive security system parameter.
>>>          If present, and the NACM module is enabled (i.e.,
>>>          /nacm/enable-nacm object equals 'true'), the NETCONF server
>>>          will only allow the designated 'recovery session' to have
>>>          write access to the node.  An explicit access control rule is
>>>          required for all other users.
>>>          The 'default-deny-write' extension MAY appear within a data
>>>          definition statement.  It is ignored otherwise.";
>>> }
>>> If a data model writer uses an extension, then the semantics
>>> associated with the extension are embedded in the data model. The
>>> extension can be seen as a shorthand for copying the semantics
>>> directly into the description clause. In other words, an
>> The difference is that YANG spec doesn’t say descriptions may be ignored.
> I do not get it, please help me.

A client that ignores constraints expressed in a description statement should 
be considered broken. I am not sure it is also the case for a client that 
ignores an extension and the implied semantics, because sec. 6.3.1 seems to 
allow it.

In fact, I think it can be applied to the server, too: An implementor may take 
a module, remove extensions he doesn’t want to implement (or let a “compiler” 
remove them) and implement the modified form of the module.

>>> implementation has to implement the semantics no matter which
>>> tool is used.
>> I agree, but then I think the text you have in PS should be removed 
>> entirely. There is again the issue of old client support that IMO doesn’t 
>> hold water anyway: a client that doesn’t fully understand the semantics of 
>> the data model cannot be guaranteed to work, and is in fact dangerous.
> Again, I do not get it. There are non-machine readable semantics
> anyway. A decent client better understands the semantics - otherwise
> it is just a clueless yang browser. So why is there a problem with
> extension statements (which are just a shorthand for semantics that
> happen to be machine readable for those tools that are programmed to
> read and understand them).

As I said, it is unclear (to me at least) from the text in 6.3.1 whether 
extensions are an integral part of the contract expressed by the module. If I 
had a contract with an insurance company saying “Anybody who cannot read fine 
print may ignore it”, I would get quite nervous.


> /js
> -- 
> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>

Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C

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