On Thu, 7 March, 2013 3:56 pm, Tim Hill wrote:
> In article <5328c00187alan_cal...@o2.co.uk>,
>    Alan Calder <alan_cal...@o2.co.uk> wrote:
>> Works fine, taking me automatically to http://m.bbc.co.uk/news , which I
>> assume to be the mobile version.  Not pretty but it is usable.
> Similarly, and for reasons of functionality, I have been known to use
> NetSurf with http://m.facebook.com and http://m.twitter.com
> --
> Tim Hill
> ..............................................................
>                                                 www.timil.com

The point of the workround was that the dashboard gave access to the
standard site. The mobile site is what we are trying to avoid. Without the
workround www.bbc.co.uk defaults to m.bbc.co.uk. The revised link
m.bbc.co.uk/home/dashboard then allowed access to bbc.co.uk/news. (without
the m) This may have been available for ARM based tablet users. Sadly no
more unless it has moved its address.

I await a stable 3.0 or 3.1 with anticipation and thanks to the
development team and testers.


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