JMJ wrote:
> Jim Peterson wrote:
> > I use a Dell Latitude D630 (at the moment), on which I have been running
> > Ubuntu 8.10. I recently decided to play around and install the new
> > release of SimplyMepis. It had some show-stopper issues like no sound
> > after installing, was very weird and slow about opening links in a
> > powerpoint, sometimes actually trying to open them in OpenOffice Writer
> > or Calc!
> The issues you had are exactly the sort of thing I'm hoping to avoid. 
> I'll have enough headaches with getting acclimated to a new tour & crew 
> that I don't want to have computer-related headaches too.

I've also got a Dell Latitude D630 but haven't had any of those issues.
I went with the Centrino version (Intel CPU and wireless).

Michael Schultheiss

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