On Apr 13, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Jaysen wrote:

> This is a pretty big thing for me. Due to my atrocious handwriting I
> often have to write checks more than once. This is probably one of the
> things I miss most from quicken (the others being date manipulation
> and inline math)(BTW there is a flaw with your date manipulation that
> I hesitate to bring up... if you are entering an event for 3/30 and it
> is 4/1 you start to think KH is a mean man until you realize you slept
> through 3/31 with the flu).
Sorry to hear about that Jaysen.

> For the record, I am aware that simply slowing down and writing neatly
> will fix my problem.

Unfortunately, I can't fit everything into MoneyWell that I want right  
now because I have to prioritize requests and checks aren't as widely  
used anymore (especially outside the U.S.). I write checks so rarely  
now because all my bills are paid either through my bank or direct to  
the vendor and I know this trend is increasing for others too.

The cost of checks, envelopes, stamps, and my time assembling all of  
these to pay a bill isn't worth it for me.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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