On Jun 16, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Larry wrote:

> We do have only one MoneyWell document.  We each have our own checking
> account.  My wife is able to download the credit card transactions
> related to her account without seeing mine so we are accounting for
> all transactions.  It is my account that has this issue of seeing/
> getting both of our transactions.
Hi Larry,

That is a strange way to split up a credit card. My only suggestion is  
to avoid downloading using your wife's access and only use yours.

> What about the question related to MoneyWell recognizing that a
> transaction has been downloaded even though the transaction has been
> deleted from my ledger?

MoneyWell can't tell that a deleted transaction has already been  
downloaded. It uses the existing transactions to compare against and  
if one if missing, MoneyWell will add it as if you accidentally  
deleted it.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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