On 12/21/2017 08:05 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Dec 2017, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
>> [...]
>> I don’t remember which were the options in t-vim,  but I need the
>> options from \setuptyping and \setuptype.
> Currently vim does not support these primarily because I don't use XML so 
> I never thought of this.
> Could you send me a minimal example showing how \xmlprettyprinttext is 
> used and I can check how to create an interface for t-vim.


many thanks for your help.

The goodie (as per lxml-ini.mkiv) reads as follow:


    \unexpanded\def\prettyprintbuffer#1#2% only used here

    %~ \unexpanded\def\xmlprettyprint#1#2%
      %~ {\xmltobufferverbose{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}%
       %~ \prettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}


    \unexpanded\def\inlineprettyprintbuffer#1#2% only used here

    %~ \unexpanded\def\xmlinlineprettyprint#1#2%
      %~ {\xmltobufferverbose{#1}{.}{\xmltempbuffername}%
       %~ \inlineprettyprintbuffer\xmltempbuffername{#2}}


\xmltobuffertextonly is required to clean HTML hightlighted code, such
as in https://shorturl.at/pS124.

This is why only adapting both \xmlprettyprinttext and
\xmlinlineprettyprint gets the fuctionality for the other two commands.

The commands are invoked in this way:



Maybe adapting \prettyprintbuffer and \inlineprettyprintbuffer to the
t-vim module works fine. (But this code is all Greek to me.)

Many thanks for your help again,

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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