>>So to use it more like a TransformGeo with object-level filtering?

On 22/11/12 11:28 AM, Frederich Munch wrote:
So to use it more like a TransformGeo with object-level filtering?
Until something better comes along, you could select a corner of what you want to move then run this

mask is or-able flags for vertices, edges, faces (1,2,4)
n is the amount of times to grow, i.e. the card division

def geoGrowSelection(n=1, mask=0x00000004):
 node = nuke.selectedNode()
 k = node.knob('polySelection')
 if k:
  for x in xrange(0,n):

nuke.menu('Nuke').addCommand ('GrowFaceSelection', 'geoGrowSelection( 10seemsGood )', 'Shift+f')

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 10:45:51 +1300
From: fr...@beingfrank.info
To: nuke-users@support.thefoundry.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Nuke-users] Re: [Announce] Geometry-Tools and Dynamic-Solver beta plugins av

>>I don't quite get the 'object' selection mode. What would you want it to do exactly? imagine you have a dozen cards merged into one stream. Now you want to move just one of those cards without modifying the original cared node because it feeds into other scenes as well). So if the PolyEdit tool could have a sub-object selection mode, that identifies the single cards in the merged stream and selects them individually, I could move one of the cards without having to try and select all it's vertices or faces (very hard when the cards overlap a lot).

On 22/11/12 10:12 AM, Frederich Munch wrote:

    Soft-selection radius and falloff curve is the collapsed group
    'Soft Edit' right above the
    I don't quite get the 'object' selection mode. What would you want
    it to do exactly?

    Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 09:32:43 +1300
    From: fr...@beingfrank.info <mailto:fr...@beingfrank.info>
    To: nuke-users@support.thefoundry.co.uk
    Subject: Re: [Nuke-users] Re: [Announce] Geometry-Tools and
    Dynamic-Solver beta plugins av

    just using the PolyEdit do fine tune a scene consisting of heaps
    of cards. It's the perfect tool for the job!
    Would it be possible to add an "object" selection mode, so that
    when you poly edit a scene that has multiple cards in it, you can
    then select each individual one?

    Also, are there soft selections?

    I'm so loving having this plugin set, thank you so much (again and

    On 10/11/12 7:58 AM, marsupial wrote:

        Thanks...is it just me or is the body missing and garbled when
        Hopefully below is easier to read and doesn't start a new topic


        These builds are for 6.3 and 7.0b100.
        There are more concise descriptions on the respective pages,
        but a brief overview:

        Geometry Tools; surprisingly, creates and modifies geometry:

          * Create 3D Text, 3D Shapes (from roto curves),
            Voronoi-shards, and copy geometry onto points or with an
            accumulated transform.
          * 3D Curves that you can sweep, revolve, or create an axes on.
          * Boolean operations, face/edge extrusion, Catmull-Clark
            subdivision, face removal/poking and point merging.
          * Test geometry for intersection with an ellipsoid,
            trapezoid, or cylinder for:
            modifying attributes with values or expressions, and
            applying Transform, Bend, Bulge, Taper, and Twist deformers.

        Dynamics; oddly enough, allows rigid and soft body simulations
        in Nuke.

          * Integration with particles to trigger emission when
            objects collide or simulate geometry emitted from a stream.
          * Achieve realtime playback with a massive amount of objects
            (30,000 for example).
          * Simulate deforming geometry and concave objects.
          * Animatable properties and constraints (point, hinge,
            spring, soft pin, soft to rigid).
          * Baking of both rigid and soft bodies (invokable in UI and
          * Bake object transforms to Axis nodes.

        Thanks, and let me know of any issues.

        Nuke-users mailing list

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