On 10/12/15 11:27, "Michael Dürig" <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:

>> I’ve noticed that the failed builds can be assigned to a few
>> machines. For instance, builds on ubuntu-6, ubuntu-5, H11 and H10
>> fails almost every time. On the other hand, all builds on the
>> jenkins-ubuntu-1404-4gb succeedes.
>Good find! Are these machines slower in general (i.e. for all builds) or 
>only for the DocumentRDB builds? In the former case it might make sense 
>to just increase the time out.

During the failing build tests are much slower (eg. AtomicCounterTest takes 82s 
in #604 rather than 4s in #603). I think there’s something specific about these 
machines that triggers a performance issue in the RDB or Derby.

Speed of SegmentMK tests is comparable on all machines.

>> For the further diagnostics it could be useful to get the
>> unittest.log file from the failed build. Right now, the only way to
>> do it is to wait until some build fails and grab the file from the
>> workspace. The workspace is purged every time the jobs starts, so it
>> requires a good timing. Maybe we can change the configuration, so the
>> target/unittest.log file will be archived if the job is failed?
>This would be useful anyway but I think so far no one has figured out 
>how to do it. Unfortunately I can only grant committers access to that 
>Jenkins. Maybe Tommaso could help at this point as he was involved in 
>setting that instance up.

Bertrand already pointed out the appropriate option. Passing 
**/target/unit-tests.log as the “Files to archive” should do the trick.

Best regards,

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