
I spent some time analysing the logs and I found out a strange thing. On a 
“slow” machine, in the surefire logs for the AtomicCounterTest (which takes 63 
sec while it should 3 sec), following test case appears [1]:

  <testcase time="2.261" 
name="importWithRegisteredType[RDBDocumentStore on 

It’s a test case from a completely different class. I downloded all the 
surefire reports [2] and it seems that the test cases from the RepositoryTest 
class are spread across CRUDTest, ConflictResolutionTest, ObservationTest and 
others. Tests from the RepositoryTest class are executed in a different thread 
(pool-29-thread-1 in [3]). On the “fast” machines the problem doesn’t exist and 
all RepositoryTest methods are invoked within their own test case.

I don’t know yet what’s the cause of this, but will dig deeper.

Best regards,

[1] https://gist.github.com/trekawek/30311820122b139a6e44
[2] http://adobe.ly/1Rcao3V


On 10/12/15 12:44, "Michael Dürig" <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Ok, I added a post build action for archiving **/target/unit-tests.log.
>> Let's see whether this works.
>Seems to work: 

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