I agree with Greg. Don't bother with the bike shop, except for buying parts, and
build your own wheel. If you stay away from fancy/trendy patterns. It's pretty
easy. I would recommend the Mavic T519 rim for 28mm tires and up. It's lighter
then the Sun and probably stronger too. I've never had any trouble with Mavic
rims for touring. I'm about 90 kg these days. But in the old days of "the lean
cycling machine" I was below 80kg but usually carried 20kg of stuff around (a
good book, real coffee, camping gear, camera with 2 extra lenses etc). No
problemo. I've put the T519 on my new touring bike.

Here's a few tricks that worked for me.
- Don't go for less than 36 spokes. I don't think you need 40 or 48 spoke
- Get a good hub. I have good experience with XT hubs for touring.
- Use double butted 14/15 spokes for the front wheel and the non-drive sidein
the rear wheel,
- Use 13/14 single butted (Wheelsmith DH13, hard to get) or 14 plain on the
drive side, This gives you a better balance in spoke tension.
- Put brass washers under the spoke heads if necessary, see
- For ultimate strength, use DT Alpine3 left and DH13 right (not available in
Canada in road lengths).
- Put the "pulling" spokes on the inside of the hub.
- Make sure the spokes on the outside of the hub are stress relieved. That means
bend them a bit around the hub so that they point to the spoke hole in the rim.
This is VERY important.
- put a bit of (non-lithium) grease or vaseline on the spoke thread.
- For the right spoke length, see http://www.dtswiss.com
- Use cloth rim tape (check McCranks on Bank)

I wouldn't mind helping you but I'm getting married in 1.5 weeks and away
cycling for another 5 after that. So no time before mid november. I haven't read
Jobst Brand's book but Bertrand (the brothers) has it in stock.

Good luck,

Greg Franks wrote:
> >>>>> "Graydon" == Graydon Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Graydon> On the topic of truing one's wheels, I had put off
>     Graydon> attending Bruce Timmerman's wheel building classes -
>     Graydon> until it was too late(bless his soul); does anyone know
>     Graydon> of similar classes put on by anyone even remotely
>     Graydon> experienced as Bruce.
> Well, if you have the time, buy "The Bicycle Wheel" by Jobst Brandt
> and do it yourself.
> See http://www.avocet.com/wheelbook/wheelbook.html
> It'll take you a while to get your first wheel done right but after
> that, it's a snap.  You will need a truing stand and a dishing tool.
> Save some money and don't bother with the fancy Park "self centering"
> truing stand.  Use 14-15 guage double-butted spokes.
> I've never had trouble with the wheels that I have built (except one
> with some useless and expensive bladed spokes - grumble).
> ..greg
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