As a person who got no Handicap, I thought this years handicapping 
method was completely fair.

The problem I see with using a personal handicapping system, is that it 
is MUCH easier to improve upon your time if you are doing 30 minute 15ks 
opposed to if you are doing 20 minute 15ks. The reason for this being is 
the way the aerodynamic drag increases exponentially as your speed 
increases and because to improve upon a faster time you must increase 
your average speed by a larger amount than you would at a slower speed 
to achieve the same time improvement.

For example:

If both the 30 minute and 20 minute rider are handicapped to be equal:

Now in the time trial

The 30 minute rider goes 2 minutes faster
The rider's previous average speed would be 30km/h
The rider's average speed for 2 minutes faster would be 32.1km/h 
The 20 minute rider goes 2 minutes faster
The rider's previous average speed would be 45km/h
The rider's average speed for 2 minutes faster would be 50km/h   

To me, it seems like the slower rider has a major advantage.

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