So we doooo agree. You say that you're happy with the "current" handicapping
system, and you indicate that you think that the "current" system would allow
you to win with a time of 21:55 if you were a woman of your age. So you're
happy with adding in a gender handicap. The current OFFICIAL handicap event
does NOT give the women a gender based handicap (and THAT was my only
COMPLAINT) - ie., you'd have to do 19:16 as a woman  in order to win. What
woman can do that sort of time? This might be comparable to doing 16:27 as a
man! (if we compare female and male times in accordance with the world hour

The rest of my gist (independent of the above discussion) is that I could
ALWAYS trivially generate weekly age/gender handicap web pages in addition to
the ones I already produce, and, hence we don't even need a SEPARATE event for
age-handicapping. If we still want a(nother) handicap event, we could consider
a special personalized-handicap event which would be fun (and could be made
fair!) for all participants. Personally I think that this would be a good
thing to do (and, yes, Simpson, the mathematical cogs in my brain are


Aaron Fillion wrote:

> > Perhaps you'd think differently if you were a woman who got no handicap
> > in the "official" event?
> No, I would not. In fact, as a woman I think would have had a better
> chance at winning the handicap event.
> As a woman, I would have only needed to do a time of 21:55 to win. As a
> man I needed a time of 19:16 to win. Granted, that if I were a woman, I
> would have a body that is physiologically not capable as producing that
> same amount of power as a man's body. However, if I were to apply the
> same amount of training and intensity to that body as I do my own, I
> would be very surprised if I did not go any faster 21:55.
> >Or perhaps you'd be a little offended if you were told that
> > sorry, you're not even a participant in the main event, but just to >be
> > ranked amongst the other women???
> There was an award for both the man's and woman's category, so I would
> not be offended. Now, if I were a woman and had the fastest handicapped
> time amongst women and got nothing because I had to compete against the
> men, I would be a little offended.
> > Hmmm - The current "official" age-handicapping event actually suffers
> > from this
> > type of problem, whereas a personal handicapping system CAN certainly be
> > devised to
> > avoid it! The current "official" handicapping event gives an unfair
> > advantage to
> > the faster riders in each year of birth - ie., giving all  64 year old
> > males a 165
> > second advantage regardless of their speed will benefit the faster 64
> > year old more
> > than the slower 64 year old (ie., the faster rider will travel farther
> > in 165
> > seconds than will the slower rider) and since we're comparing the
> > performance of
> > both of those 64 year olds with people of OTHER ages, we probably
> > shouldn't be
> > giving one more of an advantage than the other relative to the other age
> > categories...
> With the current handicapping, it does give the advantage to older fast
> riders. But, personally, I think older faster riders should be given
> some type of recognition for being fast.
> It depends on what you want to accomplish with the handicap event. Do
> you want give people an advantage for having an older body that should
> not be able to go as fast. Or do you simply want to make everyone equal
> going into the event? If everyone is made equal, then the person that
> wins is the person who improves upon their time the most. I do not think
> that a improvement event is the way to go, however the club could have a
> separate award for the most improved male and female cyclist for the
> year.
> The only way I can see Personal Handicapping as being fair is to base
> the improvement required to win on power. Say the person the largest
> power increase would win. That I guess would be fair, but still it would
> just be an improvement event. But for a person with a 30-minute baseline
> would have to reduce their time, much more than a person with a
> 20-minute baseline time to equal the same amount of power increase.
> Maybe the club should just have 2 events, one event based on the current
> system and another based on a Personal Handicap system.
> The entire handicap system could be an excellent item to bring up at the
> AGM. Maybe there could even be a vote or something like that on which
> handicap system most people wish to use. However, it will not be myself
> bringing the topic up, as I am happy with the current system.

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