> Aaron Fillion> As a person who got no Handicap, I thought this years handicapping
> method was completely fair.

Perhaps you'd think differently if you were a woman who got no handicap in the
"official" event? Or perhaps you'd be a little offended if you were told that
sorry, you're not even a participant in the main event, but just to be ranked
amongst the other women???

> Aaron> The problem I see with using a personal handicapping system, is that it
> is MUCH easier to improve upon your time if you are doing 30 minute 15ks
> opposed to if you are doing 20 minute 15ks.

Hmmm - The current "official" age-handicapping event actually suffers from this
type of problem, whereas a personal handicapping system CAN certainly be devised to
avoid it! The current "official" handicapping event gives an unfair advantage to
the faster riders in each year of birth - ie., giving all  64 year old males a 165
second advantage regardless of their speed will benefit the faster 64 year old more
than the slower 64 year old (ie., the faster rider will travel farther in 165
seconds than will the slower rider) and since we're comparing the performance of
both of those 64 year olds with people of OTHER ages, we probably shouldn't be
giving one more of an advantage than the other relative to the other age


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