Thanks Chris.

I added the suggestion of "end users who are not otherwise represented on
the TSC through the election process are allowed to appoint a TSC
representative" as a way of ensuring that the end users have representation
in the event that the statistics don't work out.  I agree that the likely
distribution between vendors and users via the election process is
something similar to what you suggest.



On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 6:25 PM, Christopher Donley (Chris) <> wrote:

> Thanks Phil.
> I'd just like to mention that under the election system we proposed,
> operators should have pretty good representation even without two-year
> appointments.  If we use the statistics on the Bitergia overview page as a
> proxy for a company's voting power in ONAP, 5 operators are in the top 15
> companies just on code commits. Using the voting criteria we proposed that
> measures other participation, their eligible voters and overall voting
> power would be increased. From the data, I would estimate operators would
> earn at least 5 elected seats (likely 6-7) plus another 3 appointed seats
> for newly joined operators.  This puts operators and vendors roughly at
> parity without having to call out different classes of members (since it's
> an elected system, there will be some variation based on the nominees
> involved).  Based on the data, the operator representation should be the
> same regardless of whether the per-company cap is one or two.
> Chris
> From: Phil Robb <>
> Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 3:59 PM
> To: Chris Donley <>
> Cc: "Vul, Alex" <>, "Haiby, Ranny (Nokia - US/San
> Jose)" <>, "" <
> Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Composition Proposal
> Hello ONAP TSC:
> I would like to keep the discussion moving regarding how and when we might
> choose to change the method of populating the TSC.
> From the discussions thus far, I do not believe I heard much pushback on
> the population method suggested by Chris D. and Stephen T. at last week's
> TSC meeting.  In general, it called for a TSC where anyone can
> self-nominate to run for a TSC seat, and those that are allowed to vote
> must have demonstrated some form of previous participation in the project
> including code contributions, wiki contributions, subcommittee
> participation/leadership, etc.
> If we were to do something like that, the one significant concern is end
> user representation, in particular since several of our end users have just
> joined the project recently and are ramping up their plans, and developer
> capabilities to directly participate in the project.  Mazin has called for
> 50% end-user participation in the TSC, others have just expressed the
> general concern that the end users should still be represented "well" in
> the new structure.
> We have also heard from several of the TSC members that now is not the
> right time to change the makeup of the TSC and we should leave it the same
> at least until Casablanca (Nov. 2018).  A vote was held on this with a
> significant number of voters indicating that they would like the TSC to
> remain the same until Casablanca.  The vote did not pass however because
> such a change (which affects the ONAP Charter) must pass with a
> super-majority of 2/3s of the votes.
> We have agreed to vote on this postponement again to see if it will pass
> the super-majority.  However, several TSC members have requested that such
> a vote not occur in a vacuum and instead be voted on along side other
> proposal(s) to populate the TSC differently than it is done today.
> In the spirit of compromise, there are two ways in which we might ensure
> end-user representation on the TSC.  One of the ways was suggested by Chris
> and Stephen during their presentation last week, whereby:
>    In addition to 15 elected TSC members, each end-user Platinum Member of
> LFN that had been a part of ONAP and/or LFN for less than 12 months from
> the time of the election, would be allowed to appoint a representative to
> the TSC.  If we were to put this in place, then Turk Telecom, Verizon, and
> Vodafone would be allowed to appoint a TSC representative while China
> Mobile, China Telecom, AT&T, Bell Canada, Orange, and Reliance Jio would
> not get an appointment because they have been members of ONAP/LFN for more
> than 12 months.  If we were to change this appointment time period from 12
> months to 24 months, then all current LFN Platinum members who are end
> users would be allowed to appoint a representative for this year's TSC
> election, and Verizon, Vodafone, and Turk Telecom would be allowed to
> appoint a representative in the 2019 TSC election as well.
> Another way we could ensure Operator participation in the TSC during our
> first 2 years would be to say that we will elect a TSC of 13 or 15 members,
> then for all end-user Platinum members who do not otherwise have a
> representative (elected) on the TSC, they would be allowed to appoint a
> representative.  If we were to elect 13 and then have a potential addition
> of the 9 Platinum end users, that would make the TSC size 22.  However, I
> am confident that some community members from our heavily engaged end users
> will be elected to the TSC as part of the 13 count and as such, there will
> be no need for that company to appoint a representative.
> Finally, I will reiterate that from my vantage point, there will be
> significant benefit from having our developers who are much closer to the
> code have TSC leadership positions.  We have a lot of room for improvement
> in how we work collectively and collaboratively to produce ONAP and
> empowering our leading developers to identify and overcome those issues
> will benefit the project substantially.
> I would like to facilitate this [re]vote with potential TSC-population
> options at the TSC meeting next week (4/19)  If that sounds like a
> reasonable target to everyone, then please provide your comments and
> suggestions on the proposals I've listed above and/or propose another
> alternative method of populating the TSC.  Let's see if we can form up what
> will be the best options to vote on via email before the TSC meeting next
> week.
> Thanks in advance for your feedback.
> Best,
> Phil.
> On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 9:01 AM, Christopher Donley (Chris) <
>> wrote:
>> Alex,
>> That’s the intention (same with use case, etc.).  We want a way to
>> measure it, and have it included under wiki.  People who make presentations
>> are uploading their slides or adding wiki pages, which can be measured
>> using Bitergia.
>> Chris
>> From: "Vul, Alex" <>
>> Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 7:58 AM
>> To: Chris Donley <>, "Haiby, Ranny (Nokia -
>> US/San Jose)" <>, "" <
>> Subject: RE: TSC Composition Proposal
>> Chris,
>> Given that the TSC is a leadership body, I think that architectural
>> subject matter expertise and industry experience should count for a lot as
>> well…
>> Alex Vul
>> Intel Corporation
>> *From:* [mailto:onap-tsc-bounces@lists
>> <>] *On Behalf Of *Christopher
>> Donley (Chris)
>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 5, 2018 6:23 AM
>> *To:* Haiby, Ranny (Nokia - US/San Jose) <>;
>> *Subject:* Re: [onap-tsc] TSC Composition Proposal
>> Ranny,
>> First, everyone currently on the TSC would be eligible to run under this
>> structure.  Second, we are not just counting code contributions for
>> determining voters.  We also propose counting a number of areas where
>> operators have been active, such as presenting a use case to the use case
>> or security subcommittee, presenting architecture proposals, or working on
>> security in the security subcommittee (to name a few). These are captured
>> in the contributions to the wiki bullet. The full list is:
>> -Code contributions/commits
>> -Code reviews
>> -Submitting Jira tickets (project management)
>> -Readthedocs (documentation)
>> -Subcommittee leadership
>> -Contributions to the wiki (files or wiki pages)
>> Also, since the window for measuring participation hasn’t closed, there
>> is still time for other operators to get involved.
>> Chris
>> *From: *"Haiby, Ranny (Nokia - US/San Jose)" <>
>> *Date: *Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 2:47 PM
>> *To: *Chris Donley <>, "
>>" <>
>> *Subject: *RE: TSC Composition Proposal
>> Chris and Steve,
>> Thanks for the time and effort put into this proposal.
>> One thing I do not see in the proposal is explanation of the “Support
>> operators with high interest in ONAP (regardless of development resources
>> involved) to be active in the TSC” item from the first slide. Reading the
>> next slides it seems that only active contributors will be able to vote, so
>> there is no guarantee operators who did not contribute yet will get a seat
>> at the TSC. Would you care to elaborate on this please?
>> Thanks,
>> Ranny.
>> *From:* <> *On
>> Behalf Of *Christopher Donley (Chris)
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 4, 2018 1:58 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [onap-tsc] TSC Composition Proposal
>> Dear TSC,
>> Steve Terrill and I have put together a proposal to transition the TSC to
>> its “steady state” by June 30, as required in the ONAP Technical Charter.
>> We have tried to incorporate feedback from previous TSC discussions on this
>> topic, and are proposing a structure that encourages diversity of companies
>> and roles, while recognizing contributions in the community and interested
>> operators who may have joined later, but who want to take an active role in
>> ONAP.  See attached.
>> Under our proposal, the TSC will be composed of 15 elected
>> representatives, with a cap of no more than two people per company.  Anyone
>> who is interested may run for a seat on the TSC.  Voters in the election
>> will consist of people who have been active in the community over the
>> previous six month period, as demonstrated by one or more of {code
>> contributions, code reviews, lira ticket submissions, readthedocs, wiki
>> (pages or file uploads), or subcommittee leadership}.
>> We are interested in feedback on our proposal (including community
>> feedback), and would like to discuss this on tomorrow’s TSC call.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris & Steve
>> _______________________________________________
>> ONAP-TSC mailing list
> --
> Phil Robb
> VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
> (O) 970-229-5949
> (M) 970-420-4292
> Skype: Phil.Robb

Phil Robb
VP Operations - Networking & Orchestration, The Linux Foundation
(O) 970-229-5949
(M) 970-420-4292
Skype: Phil.Robb
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