I have created a new wiki space called 'resource', and a root page 
'conferences' beneath it. I have also created more or less a copy of the 
MedInfo 2007 page in the wiki. See 
http://www.openehr.org/wiki/display/resources/Conferences . On a whim, I 
chose a left-menu navigation style, just to see if we would like it 
better. I should be able to change it back if we don't like it.

One thing to note: in the MedInfo 2007 page, all the links point back to 
the openEHR.org website, whereas in future conference webpages, we will 
usually upload attachments. The problem we have to tackle is that 
conferences is only one way to view material; after a while you want a 
proper index of the papers etc, and you no longer care that much about 
what conference they came from. I addressed this on the openEHR website 
with a 'publications' set of pages (currently workflow, Health ICT and 
archetypes). The conference-independent view of things is obviously teh 
more long term one. Would anyone like to propose how we do this on the 
wiki? Clearly an agreed discipline is needed, e.g. we might say that you 
have to upload to a page for papers, and then put an entry in the 
conference page that just points to that.


- thomas beale

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