Hey Fredrik,

On 6/30/20 1:38 PM, Fredrik Gustafsson wrote:
I added apk to your script and then ran

That is not supportive of my statement of ipk being the slowest package manager.
That statement come from timing tests done with our proprietary version of poky
that is somewhat extended when it comes to the do_rootfs task. We're generating
a bit more artifacts than poky.
Ah; good to know. Thanks for checking again! Sounds like it could be related to extant opkg bugs which degrade performance when you have many (read: thousands) of packages in the feed.


So I tried your script with core-image-sato-sdk-ptest instead that is a bigger 
The results where more mixed. There is a huge difference between different 

But yeah, I should probably rephrase my cover letter. You'll find a layer for 
APK that will
apply on top of my patch serie attached to this email.
Thanks for sending that; I'm interested to take a look at it. Those new performance numbers look impressive.

Good luck with the patchset.

Alex Stewart
Software Engineer - LabVIEW Real-Time OS
National Instruments

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