Just thinking – horns seem pretty metal, what do you think about goat-like 
horned bear? :)


On 2/6/17, 5:26 AM, "Sam Betts (sambetts)" <sambe...@cisco.com> wrote:

    On 06/02/2017, 12:32, "Dmitry Tantsur" <dtant...@redhat.com> wrote:
        On 02/06/2017 12:49 PM, Miles Gould wrote:
        > On 01/02/17 21:38, Lucas Alvares Gomes wrote:
        >> But, let me ask something, what the foundation really wants to 
        >> with this ? Cause I think we are conflating two things here: A logo 
        >> brand) and a mascot.
        > I think this is an excellent point. The constraints on logos make a 
lot of sense
        > *for logos*, but it'll be very hard to achieve something like Pixie 
Boots within
        > them. Could we perhaps use *two* images for different contexts?
        > 1) a stylized logo, matching the guidelines, for use in "official" 
settings and
        > anywhere that it will be seen alongside other projects' logos;
        > 2) our existing Pixie Boots mascot, for use in "unofficial" settings 
        > stickers, T-shirts, chatbots, The Bear Metal Adventures of Pixie 
Boots webcomic
        > series*, etc, etc).
        > It'll be much easier to agree on image 1 if we don't reject every 
proposal for
        > not capturing every nuance of image 2.
        > If that makes sense, I have a suggestion for the next iteration of 
the logo, if
        > one is needed: take the head from logo version 3.0. AFAICT, that 
meets all the
        > objections raised so far:
        >  - it's simple and logo-like,
        >  - it's not holding any man-made objects,
        >  - it's friendly,
        >  - it has heavy-metal facial markings,
        >  - it's not making any potentially-obscene gestures.
        > It doesn't look exactly like Pixie Boots, but if we can carry on 
using Pixie in
        > unofficial contexts, that shouldn't be a problem.
        +100 to everything written here.
        > Miles
        > * In which Pixie Boots, sysadmin by day and rock musician by night, 
solves a
        > series of increasingly baffling deployment problems using AWESOME 
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