whoaa... i just found out if you paste a youtube link to google chat, you
can view the video on google chat.....


what else can we embed in google chat ?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
rajaiskand...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sorry wrong clip
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7gCd-C-Tys&feature=related
> // wrong state of mind as well
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
> rajaiskand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> where's my money ?
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlIm-riMN6Q&feature=fvw
>> ahaks... so long as no one goes to the extreme ;-)
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 2:14 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah <
>> rajaiskand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> i like azrul's proposition:
>>> 1. increase the salary to rm5000 per month per developer (basic pay jr
>>> programmer pun dah rm1500 per month - tak masuk epf contribution, allowance,
>>> leave, office space, administrative cost). kalau ikut std multiplier it
>>> should be rm5000 x 2.5 = rm12,500
>>> 2. prototype development within 3 months onsite everyday at a designated
>>> lab. kalau masih tak caya boleh pasang cctv ;-)
>>> azrul is right as well. it's late. will blog a guide for the icon grant
>>> application after i submitted the application later in the week.
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Najah <khairunna...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Preeseed? Been there, done that... cuma takde rezeki. Planning to submit
>>>> again, with diffrent project.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:45 AM, Azrul Hasni MADISA <
>>>> azrulha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I had enough and its late. Hopefully some investors are interested in
>>>>> my project. But here's a brief reason why  did not apply for grants. (Now
>>>>> this is my personal opinion, you guys might not have the same requirement 
>>>>> as
>>>>> me)
>>>>> 1) SKMM (MCMC), E-content, any content related grant
>>>>> - Not really for software development. I personally know someone whose
>>>>> game project was rejected under e-content because game is considered
>>>>> software dev.
>>>>> 2) Preseed (MDEC)
>>>>> - They limit RM 1500 per developer per month. Rm 1500??? jual burger
>>>>> tepi jalan pun dapat banyak dari tu. Who wants to work for you for  RM
>>>>> 1500?. Kalau ada pun, memang yang dah carik kerja merata tapi tak dapat 
>>>>> (and
>>>>> malas pulak tu nak jual burger) . So keje la dapat Rm 1500. Code quality 
>>>>> pon
>>>>> cam hampeh nyiok. Unit test pun tak tau buat.
>>>>> - Business plan. This is preseed for God sake. The proposal should be
>>>>> on 1 (read one... you know, satu) page. There should not be a business 
>>>>> plan.
>>>>> Business plan is when you want to apply for seed funding. After all,
>>>>> technology moves so fast these days and so global, that your business plan
>>>>> would be relevant for only a few weeks at best.
>>>>> - 30+ freakin' pages to fill in. If this is a 2 million grant than that
>>>>> is probably ok, but this is preseed. Anything beyond 1 page is just fluff 
>>>>> at
>>>>> best and total malicious lies at worst.
>>>>> - No funding for marketing or any sort of advertisement.
>>>>> - No continuation. What should you do once the fund has run out? Sell
>>>>> your software? wait a minute, you can't use your grant money for
>>>>> marketing... bummer :( . That's why many preseed companies are now stuck.
>>>>> 3) Cradle Investment Fund
>>>>> - Long winded web form to fill in (web form? gosh, the best tech. for
>>>>> forms is PDF. Here's a bunch of them... free of charge. See, Adobe's
>>>>> business plan out the window already. They probably didn't deserve preseed
>>>>> grants.[
>>>>> http://www.cogniview.com/convert-pdf-to-excel/post/pdf-editing-creation-50-open-sourcefree-alternatives-to-adobe-acrobat/
>>>>> ])
>>>>> - Again you have to supply a business plan that will be obsolete once
>>>>> you finish writing them
>>>>> + Supply you with a mentor (a really good deal)
>>>>> * No mention of limit on developer salary
>>>>> * No mention of continuation
>>>>> 5) MGS, DAGS, Technofund
>>>>> For established companies only.
>>>>> 6) Iconity (MDEC)
>>>>> Still new, form pun cannot be downloaded yet but it looks just as bad
>>>>> (still this RM 1500 per developer per month deal ...  why is MDeC is sooo
>>>>> fixated on that, I have no idea -  on similar note, if that is how much 
>>>>> MDeC
>>>>> values software developers then screw grants, we have a bigger problem at
>>>>> our hand)
>>>>> All and all, here's why I would say. Please MDeC, please don't let us
>>>>> jump through hoops and make us write long winded expired-in-2-weeks 
>>>>> business
>>>>> plan  anymore. This is preeseed. We are not asking millions. (Heck, most 
>>>>> of
>>>>> us would gladly settle for a RM 50 k ). I think a simple proposal would 
>>>>> do.
>>>>> Now MDeC would need a mechanism to filter out the bad from the good,
>>>>> here's my suggestion. Any proposal must finish a prototype in 3 months. 
>>>>> Yes
>>>>> 3 months. Anyone asking more than that then ask them to create a long 
>>>>> winded
>>>>> proposal, the usual drill, but give a green lane to anyone who is 
>>>>> dedicated
>>>>> enough to do stuff in 3 months. You see, if a buddy and myself want to
>>>>> build, oh, say, a new CRM system, if we work everyday on it, 3 months is
>>>>> enough. Our salary oh, say RM 5000 each, that's RM 10k per month. Times 3
>>>>> that is just RM 30,000. We use RM 10, 000 for to purchase dev machines.
>>>>> Maybe RM 5000 for hosting and another RM 5000 for small time marketing. We
>>>>> do not need an office. MDeC's lab (open source, jtrend and ntdc  ... which
>>>>> is right now soooo under used) can be our temporary office. See, just RM 
>>>>> 50k
>>>>> . Now if we fail, you lost RM 50 k. No biggie. If we succeed, then
>>>>> continuation grant, say RM 150 k , and RM 500 k after that should be
>>>>> guaranteed.
>>>>> Its late so if my rants are a bot inconsistent, maafkan saya
>>>>> Again, I'm just writing to express my personal gut wrenching feeling,
>>>>> not to belittle anyone. Certainly not MDeC or Cradle.
>>>>> Azrul
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 3:07 AM, Hasanuddin Abu Bakar <
>>>>> bizkut...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Saya tak percaya kalau FOSS komuniti tak dapat dana macam orang ni
>>>>>> dapat. Sila rujuk link di bawah.
>>>>>> Sama-sama kita fikirkan.
>>>>>> http://www.carigold.com/portal/forums/showthread.php?t=88333
>>>>>> Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
>>>>>> -------------------------------
>>>>>> Ubuntu embedded developer/tester
>>>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bizkut
>>>>>> Get FireGPG for your Firefox! http://getfiregpg.org
>>>>>> PGP Public Key
>>>>>> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xD25748FC1754D52DAFA5EA8EC5A1B11965D43C5C&op=index
>>>> --
>>>> "The most important thing is that you have to be sincere and trustworthy
>>>> in doing business - Tan Sri William Cheng, Lion Group Chairman & CEO"
>>>> >>>>

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