On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Jean-S?bastien Guay wrote:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the input.

OSG works very well with our setup. The only piece that is currently missing
is configs for the various physical geometric forms our display surfaces can
take. I think this is all very close, however.

You mean about having to use environment variables instead of config
files? That's not really an issue for us, it'll just be a small demo app
for now and we have our own config file support in our framework so
we'll likely just add some settings there to support stereo.

My goal here is to create .cfg files that describe orientation of the display surfaces. I suppose env variables would work for simple cases, but I need to be able to put my displays into a non planar config - orthogonal surfaces.

Good to know that getting the stereo running with OSG is relatively

I don't know of any reason why this wouldn't work. While anaglyph introduces
cruft into the colorspace, it serves as a quick way to preview what you've
got. I use this methof frequently when work on my home machine (FX8600).

That's what I'm thinking of doing here (unless we can get a Quadro card
in time and within our budget, which I doubt). Thanks.

You're very welcome.

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