
there is something I don't understand:

you say that threading is a complex matter, and if possible 
better to avoid:

Robert Osfield wrote on Wednesday 07 May 2008:
> as threading while perfectly doable does add its own 
> very steep learning curve.

yet you also said that SDL is not very good because it 
prevents multi-threading:

> "Personally I wouldn't recommend SDL for windowing for
> serious 3d graphics applications, its just way too
> limiting - its really just designed for single threaded,
> single context apps."
> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/pipermail/osg-users-opens

How do I know whether my application needs multi-threading ? 
Or multiple contexts ?
If I have to use SDL anyway (for joystick handling) would 
that make it automatically single-threaded ?
What limitations would SDL impose if I created the window 
and graphical context with it, for OSG to render in it ?

What I have is:

    while ( !viewer.done() && !quit )
        if (joystick) inputDev.handleJoystick();
        viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrix( CameraMatrix );

If multi-threading is complex, I'll avoid it anyway, so SDL 
might not limit me in this case.

I'm a bit confused.





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