[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Monday, June 16, 2008 8:56 AM:
> Hello everybody!
> I have an application using the osgViewer::Viewer (OSG 2.4) and a
> self-made thread, that has to modify the scene graph. To get no
> conflict I'm using a self made mutex to lock the add/remove and frame
> function calls.   
> Now I want to know, if there is a built-in functionality to
> synchronize my thread with the OSG cull and draw threads so that I
> don't need the mutex anymore. I tried find hints in the wiki and the
> mailing list but did not find anything tangible. Can anybody give me
> an advice? Looking forward to hear from you!   

It should be safe to modify the scene graph from an UpdateCallback. If
you are modifying Drawables (adding/removing/changing geometry), you
should mark them DYNAMIC.

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
osg-users mailing list

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