Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Sukender,

The needs for the providing audio for movies read by the ffmpeg is
that we have a AudioSink implementation that can pull the data from
osg::AudioStream and play it.  We don't need a scene graph node, or
reading support for the ffmpeg plugin as it stands.  I'm basically
working to get the present plugin up to feature competitive for first
the xine-lib plugin and later hopefully the quicktime plugin.

FYI, the ffmpeg has ogg support available - in fact I'm just download
a .ogg movie for testing.  I would be not be surprised if we could get
it handle the audio reading as well.

In my experience, ffmpeg will decode just about anything you throw at it. It shouldn't even break a sweat on a Vorbis stream.

I think most of osgAL would be superfluous here. We don't need spatialization or decoding. The only thing we'd use is the interface to the audio hardware. I guess the question becomes whether it is worth it to use osgAL (which uses OpenAL++, which in turn uses OpenAL), or whether it would be better to just write an OpenAL implementation for AudioSink and make it a plugin (much like the freetype plugin is a concrete implementation of osgText::Font::FontImplementation).


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