Hi All,

I've been pretty quiet and the public list/forum through September,
keeping my head down developing new functionality for the OSG...  and
the new functionality I'm pleased to announce today is that we now
have a loverly new back-end implementation for texture objects and
buffer objects (VertexBufferObject, ElementBufferObjects and
PixelBufferObjects's) that provides a set of GL objects pools that
enable recycling of both orphaned GL objects and reuse of GL objects
that are still attached to the scene graph, but are stale - i.e.
haven't been rendered in the last frame.

The benefit the GL object pools provide is that we can scale up the
scene graph in main memory without blowing OpenGL driver and GPU
memory as we would do without the new pools.  This feature also
reduces the likely-hood of thrashing of OpenGL driver and GPU memory
so that where we might have previously seen frame drops due to memory
management we avoid them completely or reduce there impact.  The
memory pools will come in there own once we scale down the GPU memory
size, such as embedded systems, or on desktop/workstation applications
where GPU memory can be overflowed due to massive databases being kept
in main memory.  In the later case this issue is more compounded on
some OS's, such as Vista, that limits the amount of memory that OpenGL
drivers can allocate, so here it should help make the app more stable
(avoid the crashes due to out of memory errors) and faster.

So... how to try out the new texture and buffer object pools?   First
up you'll need to update to the latest OpenScenGraph svn/trunk.  Next
you'll need to enable the pools by setting the env vars: (example
below for bash)

  export OSG_TEXTURE_POOL_SIZE=100000000 // size in bytes (100Mb)
  export OSG_BUFFER_OBJECT_POOL_SIZE=200000000 // size in bytes (200Mb)

Then run your app with some big data, such a large paged database, you
can push the amount of main memory used by enabling the MaxPagedLOD
feature in the DatabasePager via:

  export OSG_MAX_PAGEDLOD=100000 // keep in memory a maximum of
100,000 PagedLOD nodes

You can also set these values programmatically via osg::DisplaySettings.

A word of warning though, I have almost completely rewritten the way
that the backend that drives texture objects and buffer objects, even
when you don't enable the texture/buffer object pools, the code
managing the GL objects is still completely different. With major
changes like this comes the likelihood of regressions.  I've been
doing a range of tests at my end, but it's still far more limited in
scope to what the community will expose the OSG to, so... there you
may way see problems that I haven't.  The best I can do is endeavor to
get them fixed as quickly as possible, just let me know if you see
something odd and I we can work together to spot what the underlying
problem and squish it.  The more testing we can get the quicker we can
shape the code up to being release quality.

Have fun with it :-)
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