Hi Chris,

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
<xe...@alphapixel.com> wrote:
>  Ok. I can understand that. Are there any aspects of submission review that 
> could be
> outsourced?

I've already outsourced aspects of the submission review that are the
easy and most productive areas.  osgAnimation and the Xcode projects
are maintaining themselves quite well.  The branches are rather less
active though, with plenty of engineers with write access but all but
me and very occasionally Paul Martz active.

>> The idea of have a range of engineers  to have write access to
>> branches and with the ability to taken the driving seat with making
>> stable releases is something we discussed and put into place around a
>> year ago.  Alas apart from Paul Mart'z 2.6.1 release there hasn't been
>> any impetus from the community to drive this forward.  The key point
>> is that I was trying to step back from having to be the impetus behind
>> releases and to allow others to take the reigns.
>  I think this is a good plan. I'm not sure I can volunteer to be the sole 
> driving force
> behind a release (in fact, I know I can't) but it's possible we could 
> assemble a few
> people that together could do so.

We'll without volunteers pushing it forward then it'll just fall back
to myself to do when available.

>  Is there anyone reading this who could help get the next release out as part 
> of a group?

I'm been away for almost a week and no other engineers and jumping in
so I guess not at this time.

>  Do we have a release procedure document?

Not yet.  Cmake actually now does most of the hard work for us.  It's
just a case of

  make tag-test

Then when you're happy with what it's going to do with the subversion branch:

  make tag-run

Then it's a case of updating the website with source archives and
binaries.  But the real task is not the actual release but the effort
in coordinating everyone, doing testing and reviewing and merging
submissions.  It's a community process that is out there in the open.

As a general note, we don't even have people coming forward
volunteering to drive releases, so writing detailed docs would rather
go to waste... The thing to do is find volunteers and let them be
assisted by myself and others on the first few minor point releases
they do and document/evolve things to make them more streamlined as
you go along.

>> appropriate thing to do.  For these reasons I'm more inclined to
>> believe that having a single gate keeper of the source is far more of
>> an asset that it is a bottleneck.
>  I can understand that. As I mentioned above, perhaps it's worth pursuing 
> refactoring off
> any duties short of the actual SVN commit. Are there other things you think 
> could be done
> by the community?

Um.... pre testing of submissions is about all we can do, this is
already done on occasional submissions that are of interest to others
that can't wait for me to get to it, this certainly helps, but it's
very occasional.  Everyone has there own projects to work on though,
so I really don't expect that others will happily devote time to just
routine pre-review of submissions.  The bottom line is that people
have to have an itch to scratch.

Personally I wouldn't say review of submissions is a significant
bottleneck for the project.  It's an occasional bottleneck that will
affect different engineers at different times.  In terms of workload
submissions isn't the biggest problem I face in a managing the project
- it's keeping up with general support and driving releases.  It's
this big stuff that I've been able to partly take a back seat on -
general support is handled pretty well in my absence, but driving
releases has been close to a void.  Even when Don was around it was
still me driving almost all releases of OpenThreads, Producer and

The door is open for others to dive in a help, but if members of the
community are too busy writing great software then so be it, I'm happy
to keep chugging along, but the pace will have to fit in with my own
professional and personal constraints.

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