Skylark wrote:
> Hi David,
> > Well, I think the question was is there any examples of OSG doing that kind 
> > of stuff and I don't recall anything! In fact I've seen one exaple that 
> > even segest the usage of nerbs and only a token segestion of using shaders 
> > in OSG!
> > 
> > :x  Somthing they need to work on, or so I think!
> > 
> NURBS are not that useful in real-time 3D for now, graphics cards 
> concentrate on polygon rendering and OSG focuses this as well. OpenGL 
> (actually GLU) has some evaluators that allow specifying curves and 
> surfaces which it will internally tessellate into polygons, but I think 
> this is not that efficient. If you want such functionality, I think 
> osgModeling (an external library built on top of OSG) provides it.
> As for shaders, I think you haven't looked that hard, there are many 
> examples in the OSG sources and the examples of using shaders in OSG.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> -- 
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> Jean-Sebastien Guay    
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Well, to get to the point, last I checked the Lightwave file loader did a 
pretty sad job on my figure model "Aurora" (see my icon button for example) .  
Most of that was done using voxels (they call Hipper-Voxels).  

Maybe I need to revised this, but even some third party renders have been able 
to render lightwave's models (including the Hipper-voxels) and I don't think I 
have had any luck in OSG - mind the fact that I've mostly used 2.8.2 and not 
the development version much.

Oh Yea!  As for shaders, One of the things that came up in one of the BOF 
meetings at Siggreagh was that OSG didn't embrace shaders that well and with 
the advent of OGL 4.1 that it would be an issue - but for me it's not a big 
deal as least for work projects are concerned.

D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Moving Heaven and Earth!

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