
I am exporting an object that has a "Blinn" material, I have the specular color set to almost white (230/230/230), Specular Level set to 64 and Glossiness set to 20. This gives a nice unpolished shiny appearance in Max.

However, OSGExp exports this as specular color = 0.0576577 0.0576577 0.0576577 (so almost black).

Looking at the code, I think the mistake is that the OSG material's specular color gets set to the Max material's specular color multiplied by shinstr / 9.99f. shinstr seems to be Specular Level, which will be between 0 and 1 (mapping to 0 - 100 in Max). So my value of 64 is 0.64, and the specular color gets multiplied by about 0.064, which leaves almost nothing. What is that division by almost 10? If I remove this I get something closer to what I expect... Much closer to what is visible in Max anyways.

I think this division by 9.99 should be removed.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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