Hi Jean-Sebastien,

Looking at the code, I think the mistake is that the OSG material's specular
> color gets set to the Max material's specular color multiplied by shinstr /
> 9.99f. shinstr seems to be Specular Level, which will be between 0 and 1
> (mapping to 0 - 100 in Max). So my value of 64 is 0.64, and the specular
> color gets multiplied by about 0.064, which leaves almost nothing. What is
> that division by almost 10? If I remove this I get something closer to what
> I expect... Much closer to what is visible in Max anyways.

I'm not sure who the original author of that code is, so I don't know the
reason for that division. You're probably correct about removing it. I'll
take a closer look at it and get back to you.

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