Hi Mark,

On 16 March 2012 10:13, Mark Green <hlgamead...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ah this looks like it might be it, using that ldd command shows that " 
> libosgDB.so.65 => /usr/local/lib/libosgDB.so.65 (0xb7c21000)" is being build, 
> while the execution shows that "/usr/local/lib/osgPlugins-2.8.3/osgdb_osg.so" 
> is being found.
> The Makefile which was created/generated by someone else had been left 
> untouched by me since compiling and executing went fine. It currently looks 
> like this (I added the "/osgPlugins-2.8.3" part just now, hoping that it 
> would fix it, but the same error is given, ldd doesn't give different results 
> either).

Is there any chance you have a mixed OSG version on the system?

As a general note, I'd recommend moving to 3.0.1 rather than 2.8.3,
API wise it should be close enough that it should primarily just be a
recompile against the newer version of the OSG.

One the stack trace front the quickest tool to use would be to run
your application with the gnu debugger gdb, i.e.

  gdb osgviewer
  > run cow.osg

To list the stack trace simply type "where" into the gdb console.
There are IDE's available tool, personally I haven't required much
more than gdb over the last decade.  Prior to using gdb I used to use
VisualStudio under Windows and CaseVision under IRIX, but in the end
found them constraining and awkward to fit with the way I've found
most productive.  Another tool that is very useful is valgrind for
tracking memory and threading issues.  Editing wise I use KDE's text
editor Kate.


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