Hello, I'm trying to write a program where the renderer is running on a 
separate thread. On the main thread I want to control the command line inputs 
but as soon as I add scenedata to the osgViewer which is stored in the renderer 
then the renderer takes over the standard input. std::cin in the main thread is 
ignored. If I put std::cin in the renderer thread however the program pauses 
and expects an input from the command line.

Does anyone know how I can prevent osgViewer from taking over the command line? 
I have attached sample code to this post where I demonstrate the problem.



class MiniRenderer: public OpenThreads::Thread 
        void addModel(osg::Node* node) 

        void run() 
        _viewer.setUpViewInWindow(0, 0, 640, 480); 
        _sceneRoot = new osg::Group; 
        _run = true; 
                        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _nodes.size(); ++i) 
                        int test = -2; 
                        std::cout << "In Thread: " << std::endl; 
                        std::cin >> test; 
                        std::cout << "In Thread : " << test << std::endl; 
        bool _run; 
        osg::ref_ptr _sceneRoot; 
        osgViewer::Viewer _viewer; 
        std::vector > _nodes; 

int main( int argc, char **argv ) 
        std::cout << "Starting thread" << std::endl; 
        MiniRenderer *minirenderer = new MiniRenderer(); 

        osg::ref_ptr root = osgDB::readNodeFile("cessna.osg"); 
        int test = -1; 

        std::cout << "Main cin" << std::endl; 
        std::cin >> test; 
        std::cout << "Main cin: " << test << std::endl; 


        return 0; 

Edit: Parts of my code seem to have gone missing after I posted this, so here's 
a pastebin link with the code: 

pastebin . com / GxFAbZvf

I found one way to be able to get input from the console by using 
std::cin.clear() and std::ignore(std::numeric_limit<std::streamsize>::max, 
'\n'). But this code would work in some places but not in others, so I can't 
use this since it's very unreliable..

Kind Regards

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