On 04/02/2013 06:56 PM, Shayne Tueller wrote:
Hi Jan,

So are you saying that Cygwin is the best way to compile OSG for Android on 
Windows? I don't think the tutorial in this thread uses Cygwin which makes this 
all the more confusing...

I'll try setting the "ANDROID_NDK" environment variable to the path where it 
resides and issue the make command again.

You need to read (and get familiar) with the Android NDK documentation as well. Otherwise you are going to be tearing your hair out for a good while.

"For Windows, Cygwin 1.7 or higher is required. The NDK will not work with Cygwin 1.5 installations."


The ndk_build script is a bash script, using GNU make. Neither of those tools are available on Windows by default, so you need to get them from Cygwin.

I suggest that you first try to compile some simple NDK example so that you are familiar with how the build works, how things integrate with the regular Android application code (Java) and only then start with OSG.



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