Hi Chris,

Too many questions for me to answer on my own.

I think it might be best for you to take a step back and learn a little
more about the basic of scene graphs, gain a bit of confidence with how to
create and manipulate the scene graph and then once you are a bit more
experienced then dive into solve the particular problem you have in front
of.  The problem is actually quite straight forward, I've given you some
pointers, but in the end you need more background knowledge to make sense
of it, this thread really isn't the appropriate place to attempt to teach
you everything about scene graphs.

There are 170 examples in the OpenSceneGraph distribution to learn from.
We have several books published that you can purchase.  There is docs
online.  There are over a decade of discussion here on osg-users
mailing/forum as a resource as well.

While it might all seem pretty daunting, you don't need to learn it all at
once.  If you want to learn about transforms then doing a search with the
OpenSceneGraph/examples for any reference to Transform would be a good
place to start.  Same applies to Callbacks.  One of examples that jumps out
at me as one place it might be worth looking at is the osgrobot example -
this has a nested hierarchy of transform and geometry.

Best of luck,
osg-users mailing list

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