Hi Oliver,

Thanks for all suggestions.

A bit of background: I am 100% linux user/developer. Since Windows people
want to run some of my applications and since most Windows users are not
capable of installing perl and modules and so on I figured out how to use
PAR (pp) and InnoSetup to produce something that is point and click
installable and runnable. Even though not optimal I'm glad I could get so
far... And users are happy.

On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 20:07:39 +0200, Oliver Betz wrote:

> par is good in doing this selection.

I know (although PAR is still very quiet about missing modules).

> If you already use InnoSetup, the user doesn't even have to deal with
> the bunch of files.


> You know that par under Windows also unpacks Perl plus your code to the
> temp directory and runs it there?

Gee, really? You must be joking :)

See e.g. https://johan.vromans.org/extra/perlapp/pres/index.html
and its successor: https://johan.vromans.org/extra/pda2018/pres/index.html

> InnoSetup can do this unpacking at least as well.

Yes, although this would require me a lot of figuring out...

> And you have no performance hit at runtime

I perform an 'initial run' as last step in installation, so the app is
already unpacked and ready to use.

> and a clean uninstall (par often doesn't remove the stuff in the temp 
> directory).

This would be a nice advantage.

Am I the only one trying to do this? Are there other PAR/InnoSetup users
here that have templates and/or examples?

-- Johan

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