Hi Oliver,

On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:08:31 +0200, Oliver Betz wrote:

> An easy approach is to continue using pp to build the required
> environment. Extract it immediately afterwards. Look at my ugly hack
> "unpar.cmd" to see one way to do it.

I've uploaded a perl GUI program:

It is not exactly a trivial program, but all the application stuff is
within a single folder lib/App/Music/ChordPro .

BTW when running unpar.cmd I get an error message "The syntax of the
command is incorrect" on line 

ren %PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP%\inc\script\*. *.pl

Note that unpar.cmd does not extract the Wx libraries.

If you copy/clone https://github.com/ChordPro/chordpro/ and checkout the
'dev' branch you should be able to reproduce the binary:

perl Makefile.PL
gmake all test
(to verify all packages)

cd pp\windows
gmake chordpro.exe
(this will build the command line version)

gmake wxchordpro.exe
(this will build the gui version)

gmake iss
(this will build the installer)

> > Also, is there any protection against users modifying files after
> > unpacking?  
> The user can install the application to the dedicated directories like
> %ProgramFiles(x86)%. Elevated rights are needed to write there.
> Then, during normal use, he can't write these directories.

Hmm. If he can elevate rights during install, he can elevate rights later
to make modifications...

Now I'm not against users modifying application sources, but occasionally
when it comes to finding hard bugs it is good to be 100% sure the user is
running exactly the code I delivered.


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