Revolutionary Greetings Mduduzi,


ANC behaves like a fly that thinks it has conquered the flycatcher
because it can walk on it but unable to fly again. Julius Malema can see
that, pity he is still a political neonate in a party with no political
commissars, he'll  forever stay a political JUNKIE!!! I sometimes like
Malema, but he must never be allowed to treat the PAC like all these
regressive political orgs who speak ill of the PAC. In fact he is yet to
obviate his silence on these dodgy empowerment deals to which president
Zuma's children, friends and even himself are said to have benefited,
albeit the fact that he was cleared by powers that be. 


Sebenzile Mlaza

Dept. :Claims 6

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mduduzi Sibeko [] 
Sent: 01 September 2010 09:25
Subject: [PAYCO] 


Dear Jackie Seroke


It is very much unfortunate that, compounding our dysfunction as a
significant opposition, is our failure to influence the policies if the
incumbent government of the Charterists.  It would seem that the
charterists are undercutting  all what we stood for. This failure is
doing much harm and damage to our existence.  Some years ago, Thabo
Mbeki self-styled himself as an Africanist expressing the call of
African Renaissance, and the PAC, as a matter of fact, could rather
watch that in a distance. Recently, the so called left-leaning Malema of
the ANCYL has a made an important call. The call that should have been
long made by the PAC, Hear what Malema says ""It's a simple policy.
We're going to take the land, but we'll compensate and we'll determine
the price. We go to (slain AWB leader Eugene) Terre'Blanche's farm and
say: 'For these many hectares we will give you R2m, thank you" .maybe to
clarify my argument, the PAC used to be vocal on the land question,
however these days we seem to be complacent, and have our call
championed by populist who are paving their way to state's accruals and
to what Thabo Mbeki termed as careerism within the ANC. Would the PAC be
able to influence public opinion or have any say in the public policy
formulation process.


Kind Regards

Mduduzi Sibeko





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